by Dragonfly | Feb 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Mmmm, I love, love. I love intimacy and connection. All year long…not just in February.And I am pretty sure you know that to be a very true statement about me, even if you haven’t known me for very long. This very thing sparked something within me the other day....
by Dragonfly | Feb 9, 2021 | Podcast
Do you enjoy being naked all the time? Do you enjoy being naked only in your own home? Have you ever been naked at a resort, or on a cruise, or in your own backyard? Let’s talk about it! The definition of a nudist is a person who believes in the practice of going...
by Dragonfly | Feb 3, 2021 | Blog
Over the years, I have learned to keep my eyes, mind, and body open. You often see and experience things on a whole nother level when you allow yourself this gift. So when I was approached by 3 different people over the past two weeks saying…”I just love seeing...
by Dragonfly | Jan 26, 2021 | Podcast
Let’s talk about… Words! Words can hurt. Words can heal. Let’s talk about what we say, how we say it, and what it means to you and those we’re speaking to. Words. Words can have a profound effect on us. Words can hurt and words can heal. The reason words have any...
by Dragonfly | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog
“Can obtaining an orgasm be taught?” Ok, before I give you the A to this Q, I have been asked this many times in various ways, and anyway you ask it, I see it coming from basically the same place. Thinking that you, as a grown-ass adult, should know how to...