Evolution of Boobs

Modern human societies are obsessed with breasts.  We look at them, talk about them, enhance them, and use them to sell everything from toothpaste to luxury cars. What is our fascination with boobs? When did it start? Although many will say it is a modern thing...

Filters. Which Ones are You Looking Through?

We all have filters, ways of perceiving the world that is unique and unconscious. The human brain has evolved to be as energy-efficient as possible and one of the ways to cut energy expenses is to create shortcuts for commonly occurring patterns. The classic example...

Erotic Self-Pleasure Stories…to Break the Shame

Masturbation or also called erotic self-pleasure is where most of us have experienced orgasms for the first time. In America, there is a lot of shame attached to self-pleasure and sexuality. Most of us masturbate and experience our own bodies as beneficial on many...