Ivy’s Gateway Weekend Experience

Life isn’t always how we thought it would go for us, or what we were told it would look like for us. And knowing where to turn for guidance, how you want your life to look, understanding what sort of things may be holding you back from your full potential or complete...

Our Capacity

Do you currently feel or have felt in the past overwhelmed, exhausted, reclusive or unmotivated? I think that most of us have felt at least one of these things within our relationship designs at some point or time period of our life. When you’re feeling any one...

My Moment of Disappointment

Last week’s disappointment was part of my feels… you know when I lost all of what I had written to you in my love news. Yep, that happened.  This mess up pretty quickly turned into something I could see would be helpful to all of us, if I could pull it...

Growing Up Sexually Empowered

As I was growing up I didn’t realize everything that went into my overall wellness, I especially didn’t realize or know about my sexual wellness. And, how that actually played a part in my overall wellness.  I saw these as separate, not...

Filters. Which Ones are You Looking Through?

We all have filters, ways of perceiving the world that is unique and unconscious. The human brain has evolved to be as energy-efficient as possible and one of the ways to cut energy expenses is to create shortcuts for commonly occurring patterns. The classic example...