#007 – Words and How you use Them

Let’s talk about… Words! Words can hurt. Words can heal.  Let’s talk about what we say, how we say it, and what it means to you and those we’re speaking to. Words. Words can have a profound effect on us.  Words can hurt and words can heal. The reason words have any...

#006 – Happy F**cking New Year 2021!

Happy New Year!  A new year brings new opportunities for Pure Orgasmic Love and our followers! Was 2020 just a dream?  I won’t say a bad dream, because there was some good in 2020… Pure Orgasmic Love made some changes in how we reach our followers!  We’re excitedly...

#005 – Holding Space with Hats On

Holding Space: being physically, mentally, and emotionally present for someone.It means putting your focus on someone to support them as they feel their feelings. Holding Space. What does it mean to “hold space”?  It’s a term we hear a lot about, but we may not know...

#004 – Talkin’ ‘bout Touchin’

Lovin’, Touchin’ and Squeezin’… each other!   Do you love to be touched, in all the places? Do you shy away from touch? Listen in on our conversation about touch and the different aspects of touch, and how touch affects us in different ways. Touch can be good –...

#003 – Your Breathing Is More Than…

It’s necessary to sustain life, but did you know that it can play a part in your sexy time? It’s all about breathing…  We all do it. It’s a necessity of life!  But, how can breathing become a part of your sexy time? Breathing can help you relax, to ready you for sexy...

#002 – Our Orgasmic Lives

Pure Orgasmic Love. It is not just my business name, but how we choose to live our life. Listen to find out what being orgasmic and living an orgasmic life means for you. Being orgasmic and living orgasmic… What does it all mean? In this episode we will discuss our...